25th Annual Director's Conference
Sheraton Georgetown Hotel, Georgetown, TX Visit Website
Sunday, January 12, 2025
- Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Central Standard Time
Registration Fees
Member: $775 (includes all meals)
Spouse/Guest: $200 (includes all meals)
Register by December 22 for the lowest price.
Hotel Information
Sheraton Georgetown Hotel
Room Rate: $209
Check-in: 4:00 p.m.
Check-out: 11:00 a.m.
Register by December 26 for the lowest price.
Monday BLC Courses:
950.1 Practical Communication Strategies for Directors
This course discusses the necessary communication skills for effectively participating in boardroom dynamics, focusing on face-to-face communication, the importance of preparation and how to be an impactful 'active listener.' The course will utilize real world examples to teach effective ways to apply communication and other soft skills such as empathy.
Key Topics:
- Understand and apply the elements of effective, face-to-face communication in the boardroom.
- Recognize the soft skills critical for effective and positive boardroom discussions.
- Practice implementing soft skills (listening, empathy, awareness, etc.) through boardroom scenarios
990.1 CCD Refresher
The five CCD courses provide a solid foundation for all directors, but over time directors may want to refresh themselves on key concepts discussed in the curriculum. This BLC course uses co-op specific case studies that reflect the challenges electric co-op boards face today to draw upon a director's knowledge of CCD concepts combined with the knowledge and experience directors have gained throughout their service on the board. Whether you completed your CCD two years ago or twenty, this course is designed for you.
Key Topics:
- The evolution fiduciary duties in the eyes of the courts over the last five years
- How safety has evolved toward zero incidents and zero contacts.
- The changing preferences and expectations of today's co-op members.
- How increased access to data impacts decision-making at the cooperative.
- The expanding role of risk oversight with the proliferation of risk and opportunities faced by electric co-ops.