August Staking Technician Training Seminar - Phase III

August Staking Technician Training Seminar - Phase III

Monday, August 18, 2025 - Friday, August 22, 2025 1:00 PM - 12:00 PM UTC

August Staking Technician Training Seminar - Phase III

TEC Georgetown Training Facility, Georgetown, TX  
Monday, August 18, 2025 - Friday, August 22, 2025   iCalendar UTC


Register by August 4.

Monday: 1–4 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday: 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Friday: 9 a.m.–noon

This course covers underground line design and subdivision layout; construction contracts; sizing transformers and conductors; and basic sectionalizing and line equipment.

Registration Fees
Member: $1,975
Non-Member: $2,125

The class is limited to 26 attendees.

Cancellation Policy
Please note: cancellations received prior to Monday, August 4, 2025 are fully refundable. Cancellations received on or after Monday, August 4, 2025 will be issued a refund minus a $175 cancellation fee. Substitutions are accepted. Cancellations the week prior and no-shows are responsible for paying the full registration fee.

To register for an event, you will first be prompted to sign in or create a new online account.


Course Description: The course covers underground line design and subdivision layout; construction contracts; sizing transformers and conductors; and basic sectionalizing and line equipment.

The study of underground line design and subdivision layout explains the components, applications and limitations of underground distribution systems. Students learn how to lay out subdivisions, specify pad-mounted equipment, and design sectionalizing systems.

In the section on construction contracts, students learn how the construction contract affects every aspect of the project, how to prepare special conditions and units, and how to administer the contract terms and conditions for a successful outcome.

The sizing transformers and conductors session focuses on basic electric theory, instructing students on the most efficient methods to size transformers and service conductors for standard residential and small commercial loads. Basic calculations for current, voltage, power and voltage drop are also presented.

The section on basic sectionalizing and line equipment gives students a basic understanding of fault currents, sectionalizing devices, voltage regulators and capacitors. The course focuses on teaching the staking technician how to apply and locate these devices on the distribution system when the line is being staked.

Participants learn to:
• Recognize components, limits and applications of underground distribution systems.
• Calculate pulling tensions relative to conduit bends and cable runs.
• Apply construction contract clauses to instances that occur during construction.
• Describe basic electric theory.
• Perform basic calculations for current, voltage, power and voltage drop.
• Apply and locate sectionalizing devices, voltage regulators and capacitors.

Required Materials: Current NESC Code Manual, scientific calculator

Instructors: Hi-Line Engineering specializes in providing engineering consulting services to electric utilities. Hi-Line’s staff exhibits diverse experience in the planning, design, operation and maintenance of electric distribution systems. Plus, Hi-Line offers a variety of training courses geared to the electric utility industry.


Part 1—Underground Line Design and Subdivision Layout
This session explains the components, limitations and applications of underground distribution systems, including:
• Underground cable and pad-mounted switch gear
• Over-voltage protection and cable-pulling in conduit systems and designing underground systems

Part 2—Construction Contracts
This session explains how the construction contract affects every aspect of the project, and highlights include:
• RUS contracts and plans and specifications
• Staking for a construction contract
• Materials control, contractor observation
• Contract closeout

Part 3—Sizing Transformers and Conductors 
This section focuses on basic electric theory, how to correctly size transformers and service conductors, and how to perform basic calculations for current, voltage, power and voltage drop. The course covers:
• Basic electric theory and service voltage drop
• Transformers and transformer sizing

Part 4—Basic Sectionalizing and Line Equipment
This section gives the student a basic understanding of fault currents, sectionalizing devices, voltage regulators and capacitors, including:
• Principles of over-current protection
• Fault current calculations
• Over-current and transformer protection
• Line coordination, regulators and capacitors

Continuing Education Units and Continuing Professional Education Hours
This course may be eligible for CEUs or CPEs, depending on the governing body. Upon request and completion of the entire course, TEC will provide a certificate of completion to participants that may be used to apply for CEUs/CPEs.