February Staking Technician Training Seminar - Phase I

February Staking Technician Training Seminar - Phase I

Monday, February 17, 2025 - Friday, February 21, 2025 1:00 PM - 12:00 PM UTC

February Staking Technician Training Seminar - Phase I

TEC Georgetown Training Facility, Georgetown, TX  
Monday, February 17, 2025 - Friday, February 21, 2025   iCalendar UTC


Register by February 10.

Monday: 1–4 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday: 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Friday: 9 a.m.–noon

This course covers underground line design and subdivision layout; construction contracts; sizing transformers and conductors; and basic sectionalizing and line equipment.

Registration Fees
Member: $1,975
Non-Member: $2,125

The class is limited to 26 attendees.

Cancellation Policy
Cancellations received three weeks prior to the start of the workshop are fully refundable. Cancellations received two weeks prior to the start of the workshop will be issued a refund minus a $175 cancellation fee. Substitutions are accepted. Cancellations the week prior and no shows are responsible for paying the full registration fee.

To register for an event, you will first be prompted to sign in or create a new online account.


Course Description: This program is designed to educate and equip the staking technician to design distribution lines. The course is divided into four parts: basic surveying, overhead structure design, joint use and unique structures.

Participants learn to:
• Use hand tools to make field measurements of angles, elevations and distances.
• Specify types and placement of guys and anchors based on conductors supported.
• Select pole-top assemblies within load limits.
• Select pole class and span lengths based on wind and ice loads.
• Apply sag and tension tables.
• Explain the concept of ruling span.
• Design unique structures for multiple circuits and extreme wind loads.

Required Materials: Current NESC Code Manual, scientific calculator

Instructors: Hi-Line Engineering specializes in providing engineering consulting services to electric utilities. Hi-Line’s staff exhibits diverse experience in the planning, design, operation and maintenance of electric distribution systems. Plus, Hi-Line offers a variety of training courses geared to the electric utility industry.

Part 1—Basic Surveying
This session teaches students how to survey a line route using:
• Fundamental principles
• Measurements
• Elevation profile and object height
• Special techniques
• Total station

Part 2—Overhead Structure Design
This session teaches students how to design overhead electrical distribution structures. It covers:
• Conductors and poles
• Pole-top assemblies
• Guys and anchors

Part 3—Joint-Use Staking
This course teaches students how to handle joint-use attachments. It outlines:
• Types of joint use
• Determination of strength requirements for aerial attachments
• NESC requirements for separation of joint-use utilities
• Joint-use contracts
• Inspection of joint-use attachments
• Performance of make-ready surveys

Part 4—Unique Structures
This course teaches students how to design special structures that require additional strength. It covers:
• Extreme wind loading
• Double circuits
• Steel poles

Continuing Education Units and Continuing Professional Education Hours
This course may be eligible for CEUs or CPEs, depending on the governing body. Upon request and completion of the entire course, TEC will provide a certificate of completion to participants that may be used to apply for CEUs/CPEs.